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Unit 8: Time, Shapes, and Fraction as Equal Parts of Shapes
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Topic A Lesson 1 Day 1 - Describe two-dimensional shapes based on attributes
Topic A Lesson 2 Day 2 - Build, identify, and analyze two-dimensional shapes with specified attributes
Topic A Lesson 3 Day 3 - Use attributes to draw different polygons including triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, and hexagons
Topic A Lesson 4 Day 4 - Use attributes to identify and draw different quadrilaterals including rectangles, rhombuses, parallelograms, and trapezoids
Topic A Lesson 5 Day 5 - Relate the square to the cube, and describe the cube based on attributes
Topic B Lesson 6 Day 6 - Combine shapes to create a composite shape; create a new shape from composite shapes
Topic B Lesson 7 Day 7 - Interpret equal shares in composite shapes as halves, thirds, and fourths
Topic B Lesson 8 Day 8 - Interpret equal shares in composite shapes as halves, thirds, and fourths
Topic C Lesson 9 Day 9 - Partition circles and rectangles into equal parts, and describe those parts as halves, thirds, or fourths
Topic C Lesson 10 Day 10 - Partition circles and rectangles into equal parts, and describe those parts as halves, thirds, or fourths
Topic C Lesson 11 Day 11 - Describe a whole by the number of equal parts including 2 halves, 3 thirds, and 4 fourths
Topic C Lesson 12 Day 12 - Recognize that equal parts of an identical rectangle can have different shapes
Topic D Lesson 13 Day 13 - Construct a paper clock by partitioning a circle into halves and quarters, and tell time to the half hour or quarter hour
Topic D Lesson 14 Day 14 - Tell time to the nearest five minutes
Topic D Lesson 15 Day 15 - Tell time to the nearest five minutes; relate a.m. and p.m. to time of day
Topic D Lesson 16 Day 16 - Solve elapsed time problems involving whole hours and a half hour